Our Music


“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly,
teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom,
singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs,
with thankfulness in your hearts to God.”

Colossians 3:16 (ESV)


If you come to Cornerstone, you will see and hear a variety of instruments including pipe organ, percussion, woodwinds, strings, and brass. You will hear the congregation sing heartily and at times in a cappella four-part harmony. You will notice the incredibly wide variety of songs and genres sung (classic hymns, psalms, chants, praise choruses, etc.) as we minister to a diverse body using music that is the finest we can learn. If some of the music feels unfamiliar, don’t be alarmed! It was all new to us at one time as well. We review the songs we have learned and practice new ones during the Vespers service on Wednesday nights at 5:45 pm. You can also listen to our music posted on SoundCloud.

We do what we do at Cornerstone because we believe the music is directed along two planes: vertical and horizontal. Colossians 3:16 exhorts us to use music to teach and admonish one another (horizontal) at the same time that we offer this praise and thankfulness to God (vertical). And so the music in our services has elements of simplicity and complexity. The music is diverse because we as a body are diverse in age, background, and maturity. But the trajectory is always towards greater glory. We aim to glorify God and edify this particular local church body.

In the pursuit of glorifying God, we encourage members to take advantage of the many music opportunities: music classes, private music lessons, adult choir, youth choir, worship ensemble, summer orchestra, and more!