"Sing Hosanna" - Michael Jothen, ©Beckenhorst Press - used by permission

Music: Alexander Gillet, 1867; Text: William Cowper, 1774 - Public Domain


Music and text are public domain.

Music and text are public domain.

Chant tone © Jordan Doolittle - used by permission.


Music: Johann Casper Bachofen (1695-1755); Text: Erdmann Neumeister (1671-1756) - translation © Robert E. Voelker (1957 - ). Used by permission.


Music and text are public domain.

Music and text are public domain.

Music: Timothy Kou, 2009; Text: Peter Rapp & Christopher Kou, 2009
Used by permission

Text: Reginald Heber, 1827 - public domain; Music: Gregory D. Wilbur, 1994
© wilburmusic.com - used by permission