WHEN:  Saturday, May 23, 5:30 - 9:00 pm

WHERE:  Carbondale Civic Center Ballroom (200 S Illinois Ave., 62901)

WHAT:  A formal ball with easy to learn dances; fun for all ages. (Refreshments provided.)

WHO:  Conference attendees

ADMISSION:  $10/singles, $15/couples, $20/families

ATTIRE:  Ladies, use good judgment and dress with modesty and ease of movement in mind.  Strapless, backless, and low-cut dresses are prohibited. Straps should be at least one inch wide. Courtesy modesty sweaters will be available.
Men, you must also dress modestly with a tux, suit, or dress shirt with tie and slacks.

ETIQUETTE:  The gentleman should ask the lady to dance. A lady who is seated indicates that she does not wish to dance. After a dance, the gentleman should lead his partner from the dance floor. It is the gentlemen's duty to ensure that every lady has the opportunity to dance. Gentlemen may only dance with the same lady twice, unless married, engaged, courting, or related. In like manner, if a lady turns down a gentleman, the lady should please sit out that dance.